Top Common Tips to Design a Website

Designing a website is not a uncommon thing now a days but not every one is a good designer. When you learn all the tools of designing, you try to use all in your design which is not a good idea you must follow some points of professionals to create good web page design. I have some of good and simple but important tips to design your websites.

Simplicity is the best :

As I mention above , When you learn all tools of designing, don’t try to use all in a single design, keep the things simpler as possible. Avoid unnecessary marquees, blinking images and pop-up windows. Use only related images which are necessary for your design. Your design don’t need extra colorful  bells and whistles.

Color Scheme :

Choose maximum 3 to 4 colors and stuck with them, use these colors with different effects and color gradients. In short use limited colors in design. Use same color scheme in the whole site. Also try to use images with a same scheme as light or dark.

Use Common Fonts :

Use fonts which are common and easily to read, most of the sites are used Arial, Veranda, Georgia fonts. Font size also matter, use normal size, nor very large neither small. Font color must be opposite with background color so that it is clearly readable.

Simple Navigators :

Use simple menu, most of the website have horizontal menu at the top of the site. Limit the number of items in the menu so that its easy to navigate from one page to another. Provide all necessary information on the homepage and secondary information on the other pages. Avoid deep navigation because users don’t like to go in deep links like secondary, tertiary and so on. Design Navigation Menu items using list (un-ordered list).
Also don’t use icons links, always use text links in navigation menu. If you want to use icons then also include text links with it , which is readable by users.

Logo and other Images :

Logo show your brand, give link to your logo of homepage of the site. Other images should be small in size so that they load faster and appear in your site instantly. It save your bandwidth as well as users’s.

Use Home Page and Contact Links :

Use home page and contact us page links in every page in the main or footer navigation, so that users don’t need to press back button to go back to the home page of your site. Although its common thing but most of the new designers try to design something new and eliminate some important links from the web pages.

Use CSS and CSS3 instead of JavaScript’s / Flash :

Use CSS and CSS3 to design your site. Avoid using background images. Use background colors and give different effects using css3. Flash and JavaScript’s are now old fashioned , they make your page heavier to load.

Last but not least :

Limit your Page length, users don’t want to scroll down so far. Also small pages make your page lighter and visible all content to user. Use paragraphs and white spaces in the text so readers feeling good, continues text bored the reader.
Keep these points in your mind when start designing a website. It will help you when choosing layout, colors, fonts, images and other essentials for designing.

Top Common Tips to Design a Website Top Common Tips to Design a Website Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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