Sometimes we need to copy text from images and we type text manually from image but what happened when we need to copy text from hundred’s of images and every image is full of text ? It is not a good practice to type all the text manually from images. So for this purpose we require any software who scan our image and give all the text from image in the text format. There are many software available in the market who do this job for you but its always irritating me to download trail versions of softwares on my computer. Most of the softwares are not for free, So we move to the Online Tools who do these type jobs for us. First good thing of online tools is that we don’t need to download and install heavy softwares in our machines and second is they are absolutely free of cost because they earn from their advertisements not by selling their products.
Online Tools to Copy Text from Images
These type of Softwares / Online tools are mostly called as OCR (Optical character Recognition). You may search on Google with these terms to find tools and software for this type of task. Let’s start to review best Online tools who copy and extract text from images. These tools are very useful and chosen by me, I am also used them when needed.
This tool extract text from image (JPG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF) and convert into editable Word, Text, Excel, PDF, Html output formats. Converted documents by using this look exactly looks like the original one. It place all the data in right place like Tables, columns and graphics etc. This tool allows you to convert 15 images per hour without registration. Maximum 4 Mb file size support to upload.
This is another best online OCR it support many image and document formats. It also allows you to give URL of image which you want to extract. It also supports many other languages with English. You should specify language before upload your file.
This is another tool to perform same task. It is much secure then others. I is not save or allows search engines to indexed extracted data by its users. It also supports many formats including all common image and document formats. Its supports many low resolution and low quality images to extract text. So these are some great features of this tool.
The last, it is another nice tool for same purpose but it has some restrictions. It only allows you to upload maximum 2 MB file with no higher resolution than 5000 pixels. There is also another limit that you are not allowed to upload more than 10 image per hour.
Final Review
I shared this because when I need these tool, I am not getting any help from anywhere. I love to use these online applications. After using these tools please don’t forget to write your review below about these tools and your earlier experience with any other OCR tool. Keep surfing World Wide Web and Make Your Life easier with Online Apps
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