How to Protect Your Text Content from Copycats

Copping other contents is major issue now a days because new bloggers don’t know about the strictness of copyright policies and they republish others content in their blogs which is equally harmful for copier and for the owner of original content, Google dislike duplicate content and you will be penalized earlier or later for this act. According to Google, every webmaster is responsible for all activities on his/her website so we should take care of our content from online copycats. These are thieves and copy your content even text and images without your permission and republish it in their own blogs. There are several ways to protect your original content and make it difficult to copping it by others.

Disable Right Click of Mouse on your Blog

By disabling right click of mouse on your blog, you will be create a difficulty for copycats and it will help you to protect your text and images. Although it is not a complete solution but somehow it works for most of the time. Now we see how to disable right click in our blog. This issue is facing by bloggers who are mostly used WordPress or Blogger as a CMS so I talk about them.

For Blogger

If you are using Blogger, you can disable right click by adding small piece of JavaScript code. Go to your blogger dashboard,then its layout and add a new HTML/JavaScript gadget and paste below in it.
<script type="text/javascript">
var omitformtags=["input", "textarea", "select"]
function disableselect(e){
if (omitformtags.indexOf(
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined")
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")
Now save the settings and that’s all. Now your blog is safe from copping text.

For WordPress

As all WP user know, WordPress has a huge plugins library where all necessary plug-ins are available. Go to Plugins > Add New and Search for disable Right Click, you will see list of plugins, you can install any of them for this purpose. I recommend you to install Blog Content Protector  or if you want to protect only images then use No Right Click Images.
You can also use above JavaScript Code in your WordPress blog. Go to Widgets, drag “Text” widget and paste above code on it.

Care of your Content

As I mention, disabling right click of mouse is not a perfect solution to protect your original text content. You should check your posts manually by using online duplicate content checker tools frequently. If you find your post on any other blog then ask the owners to remove it and complain to Google, so that Google will remove the indexed URL of that site. I hope you will learn something from this post. I request you to respect others copyrights and never copy text from other sites, even avoid to reuse images of other sites without permissions of  the owner of that image.
How to Protect Your Text Content from Copycats How to Protect Your Text Content from Copycats Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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