How to Get Traffic in Your Newly Created Website

Getting  traffic is a major issue for newly created website because when you create new website or blog it has no online reputation and search engine ranking, even indexing of your site URL’s take weeks to appear, so how we get traffic in that time ? SEO strategies will not work in short time, they also takes weeks and months so in the start we will only rely on the referral traffic not on organic traffic (traffics comes from search engines like Google etc). There are so many ways to get referral visitors on your website when it is new. Now we see some of them step by step.

Step 1 : ( Submit Your Site links to all Search Engines )

First of all submit your site links to all search engines, because referal traffic is temporary, so for long terms you should submit your site links to all search engines like Google, Bing, AOL etc. Also submit sitemap in Google webmaster tool to get indexed faster in Google. Now move to step 2.

Step 2 : (Create some high quality Backlinks of your website)

When your website or blog is new, you have less to zero popularity on the web, so make some quality backlinks by submitting your site links in popular and well reputed web directories, social bookmarking sites and try to write high quality guest posts for getting do-follow backlinks.
The above two steps are important because these make your search engine ranking better with the passage of  time while you are getting referral traffic in that time.

Step 3 : Referral Traffic from Social Media

Social media websites provide a great opportunity for webmasters and bloggers, you can join groups in facebook, Big communities in Google+ and linkedIn which are relevant to your website niche. You can surely get 100′s of hits on a single post from social media sites. But keep in mind you must have follow some rules while sharing your post link on that groups like you have not violate the group rules and always join groups whaich have already 1000′s of members and closely related to your blog’s topic.

Step 4 : Commenting on Related Blogs and Forums

Find top blogs which are related to your site niche and do regular commenting on these blogs with your link. Keep in mind always write a sensible comment of at least two-three lines which are showing your participation  otherwise high ranked blogs not accepted spam or short comments with links. Do commenting whether it is no-follow or do-follow, we need referral visitors, and definitely you will receive high number of traffic from that comments.

 Step 5 : Submit Your Site for Reviews

There are many website which accepted new websites to review like showcase of website. Specially IT forums and hosting sites have separate section for new websites and blogs reviews. You can submit your site there and you will see how many people visit your site and reviewed it. Sometimes you will also get a smart backlink from that forums :)  So you can considered it too for getting referral traffic.

Step 6 : Write Guest Posts for Related Blogs

Today’s guest posting trend is growing day by day in the field of blogging because it is considered a real method of getting guanine and loyal visitors. Some blogs also offer do-follow backlink with guest post which is an awesome opportunity of your newly created website, you not only receive  huge amount of returning visitors but also get online reputation and a do-follow backlink. So I highly recommend you to try guest posting if you just start your new site yet.

Final Words

I give the title “Get Traffic in newly Created Website” to this post because old and well reputed sites receives enough traffic from search engines and they not even consider referral traffic but actually this post is equally helpful for all sites whether it is newly created or popular on the web. I hope you enjoyed this article and learn something new today. Don’t forget to share on social media and write comments below for your suggestions are queries. Stay tuned!
How to Get Traffic in Your Newly Created Website How to Get Traffic in Your Newly Created Website Reviewed by Freelance Web Designer on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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