All you know what is the importance of facebook fanpages. If you have more likes of your page then you may get more traffic on your website and also it increase online presence of your business. Facebook cover picture is a first thing which any visitor see on your profile or page therefore you should make your first impression good so create attractive cover photos for your fb fanpage or Google+ page. There are many online tools available on the Internet who provide this facility but I pick 3 best online tools who create attractive and professional facebook timeline cover photos for you.
This website is very good and my favourite. you create any type of profile picture. Just select your desire theme and start writing text, add pictures and make your cover so professional. It has great extra features like amazing fonts styles, opacity, border round corners, themes regarding your topic and much more. Go online with this tool and make fun !
This is second best tool to create free social media timeline covers online. I love this tool because it give special effects to your cover picture like merging, zoom in or zoom out, tear off the bottom edge and some others.
Simply select your desire effect and give a new look to your timeline photo.
image Chef is a third best tool which has many features like clip arts, backgrounds, smileys, texts and extra options to design and create cover photos for your timeline. Its easy to use, simply drag and drop and re-size options are available in this site.
Final Words :
If you are not familiar with photoshop and other photo creating and editing softwares then these online tools are heaven for you. You can create profile pictures and timeline cover photos for facebook, twitter and Google+ here. If you have an experience with more better sites than I selected above then share with us below.
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